Customer Testimonials

“Our family uses Malibu Delivery on a daily basis.  We have been members for several years now. I have found that it is much easier to have only 1 call to make, 1 bill to pay and most importantly peace of mind in knowing who we have on our property.  In the past we utilized several services to accomplish the same results that we achieve using our membership. Alleviating the hassle to micromanage multiple people. The staff is always professional. friendly, and trustworthy.  I highly recommend Malibu Delivery for all of your household tasks and needs.”

– Robert Gold

“ I Moved to Malibu 2 months ago from Santa Monica. In the city it was possible to get just about anything your wanted delivered. I was actively looking for a personal assistant, to take care of my errands and running around. My neighbor gave me a card for a free month trial of this service and THEY ROCK! I use them for just about everything. 95% of the tasks that I would have had a PA do, is covered with my monthly membership to Malibu Delivery. Highly recommend! ”

– Aaron Phelps

“ I love this service and Chad. He has nice people working for him, and works hard all day every day. I’ve been using them for a long time and they don’t just deliver food they deliver anything that you need from any store. I find them very patient, and they deal with a lot of entitled attitude in MALIBU very well. I will continue to use them as long as I eat! ”

– Jonathan Congdon

“ Great service for those who enjoy the local restaurants from the comfort of your home. ”

– Richard Stark

“ I Love Malibu Delivery! Chad and his team are amazing!! ”

Chloe Bartoli

“ I’m not sure how anyone could give chad a 1 star review and I highly doubt any of them are Malibu residents. I’ve been using Malibu delivery for years and they are a life saver. From groceries to dry cleaning to cold corona runs and burritos from Lillie’s chads team treats you like family. Any real Malibu resident knows that this service is amazing. ”

Daniel Starr

Malibu Delivery is by far the best groceries delivery service I’ve ever had, and Chad is by far the most responsive and caring owner. They’re especially great at choosing produce, and Natasha is the best of all. She takes special care in choosing the freshest specimens and follows my directions perfectly. She has great judgement when she has to make decisions, but will call me if she has any questions. Particularly during quarantine, we’re so fortunate that Malibu Delivery exists!

Gloria Floria